Joined: Sun Jun 15, 2014 11:58 am Posts: 1
 Tails of Azeroth: Archmage Alori v1.01 Walkthrough
I compiled a walkthrough for the latest episode of Archmage Alori. It's in the style of the old chronicle walkthroughs. Please feel free to add any scenes I might have missed.
1 Walk towards the throne for a scene
2 After waking up interact with the backpack hanging at the bedpost (press E on it) and choose an outfit.
3 Looking at the exit of the tent, on your right there is a letter that you can read on the bedpost
4 Talk to the elf on the left near the bed and then leave the tent
5 After you went out of the tent, turn slightly to the left and run to the hut on the isle
6 There's a small toilet hut on the left side of the house you can go into to get a scene
7 You can now read a letter on the outside of the toilet hut
8 Go back to the tent you came from
9 Follow the path to the small houses and turn right
10 Go into the first (and only) house to your right
11 Manipulate the tv for a scene
12 Leave the house and go into the house on the opposite side, slightly to your left to watch a small scene
13 Again leave this house, head right and follow the path until an inn on the left side
14 Go into the inn and talk with Hemet for a quest to bring back his camera
15 Go upstairs for small scenes to your left and in the middle and the right door
16 Leave the inn and go into the tower on the opposite side
17 Use the telescope behind the stairs for a small scene
18 Talk with Jaina to get your first quest
19 Leave the tower, head right and follow the path past the stable
20 When you're in front of the first small house on the left, turn right and go to Alyniss sunbathing near the water
21 Talk to her for a scene
22 Go back to the path, go left and follow it to the stable
23 Try to break the seal at the front (press I and use the spell)
24 Try to break the seal again (this time by pressing E)
25 Go inside and run to the horse for a scene (say Yes)
26 Leave the stable, turn left and go back to Jaina in the tower on the right
27 Speak with Jaina to get a new quest
28 Leave the tower, turn left and follow the path
29 Go into the first house on the left for a new short scene
30 Leave the house and go back to your tent
31 Use the dildo on Joy inside the tent for a scene (press I and pick the dildo)
32 Report back to Jaina in the tower
33 Leave the tower, head left and run towards the water past the stable
34 Go near the house on the island for some scenes (Say Please do)
35 Report back to Jaina for a scene
36 Go back to the tent and go into your bed
37 Walk towards the throne for a scene (say Yes)
Day 2
38 Go back to Jaina for your next quest
39 Go into the portal and speak with the tauren for a scene
40 Go back through the portal to report back to Jaina
Let's continue on 2 side quests.
41 After you leave the tower, head right and left at the split and talk with the red clothed girl in front of 2 wolves
42 Follow the path a little further
43 Leave the path to your left after the first big tree chunk on your left
44 Go straight up a hill to find Hemet's camera, pick it up
45 From there, head towards the backside of the inn, you'll see Daemia with 2 men
46 Go there for a few scenes
47 Go downstairs and give Hemet the camera
48 Leave the inn and report back to Jaina
49 Go back to the inn, go upstairs and speak with the orcs
50 Go downstairs and speak with the matron behind the bar
51 Go into the door to your right, leading to the kitchen and down to the basement
52 Speak with the dark creatures
53 Check the cabinet under the stairs to get an empty bottle
54 Again speak with the dark creatures for a scene
55 Go back up the stairs and go back to the orcs
56 Use the bottle to get into the room with the orcs to watch a scene
57 Use the bottle on the table to pick up the key and put down the bottle
58 Leave the inn and head left
59 At the split, head left again. Follow it all the way up to a mine
60 Use the key on the door to get in
61 Go inside the door in the house
62 Go up the stairs and through the door
63 Follow the stairs until you're at the top
64 You find the camera that filmed Jaina
65 Now you've got 2 options, jump down for a blowjob with a green troll or stay there to have a scene with the wolf
66 Report back to Jaina
67 Leave the tower and turn left
68 Follow the path past the stable over the bridge
69 Go into the house to your right where you had the scene in step 11
70 Pick up the bone near the bed
71 Leave the house, go right and go into the last house on the left
72 Speak with the troll for a scene
73 Leave the house, turn right and go around the house
74 Turn left roughly towards Jaina's tower and speak with Hemet
75 Go towards the gap in the rocks for a scene
76 Walk towards the big runestone with a flame on it and acitvate it
77 Go back to the path
78 Cross the path and go to the hut on the island
79 Speak with the tauren sitting in front of the next stone
80 Continue your way in this direction, past the stone, crossing the water
81 Go to another mine with 3 people working in front of it
82 Speak with the man in front of the next stone for a scene and to activate it
83 Run all the way to the inn
84 Speak with the matron
85 Go upstairs in the right door and speak with the worgen for a scene
86 Go back downstairs and speak with the matron
87 Leave the inn, head left and go towards the red clothed draenei
88 Use the bone on the wolves for a scene
89 Continue the path and again go up the hill in the mine and in the house
90 Turn left, go towards the bed and pick up the bottle on the table for a scene
91 Go out throught the right door to watch a small scene
92 Speak with the couple to go away and activate the runestone
93 Go back to the tauren on the island and hand the bottle to him for a scene and to activate the last stone
94 Go back to the troll and speak with him
95 After following his instructions and completing the quest, report back to Jaina for a scene
The End