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 Chapter 1 - Episode 3 1.4 Walkthrough 
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Joined: Sun May 11, 2014 3:10 pm
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Post Chapter 1 - Episode 3 1.4 Walkthrough
Hello and welcome to my Episode 3 Walkthrough. This is a repost because the site was reset and the old post is now gone. These are all the scenes I could find. If you've found one that I missed, or want more pics, don't hesitate to post.

Also, I'll only be showing you how to find each scene. You should talk to the NPCs, they have a lot of funny things to say.


1 As Alistra, take the right path to the night elf just standing in front of a torture rack

2 Talk to him, then go back to your room and talk to him again for a SCENE

3 Then, of course, one small SCENE on the bed in front of you

4 Now run to the other side of the building and talk to the Undead next to the Lich

5 Take a right and go until you see a portal on the ground, walk into it --- *Screenshot*

6 OPTIONAL: Down here, walk forward and talk to the gnome for a little SCENE/dialog

7 Turn around and walk up the stairs. Talk to the Lich King

8 OPTIONAL: Go back down the stairs as the Lich King and walk forward into the big room. Talk to the gnome and the guys around the draenei in the stockade for a few SCENES

9 Go back through the portal as the Lich King and go left to talk to the Undead

10 After go back through the portal and go up the stairs behind you and talk to Fjola (The Valkyrie)

11 Turn around and go back down the stairs into the big room. In the far right corner of the room talk to the Valkyrie to get her heart

12 Go back through the portal and left and talk to the Undead again


WARNING!!! DO NOT save then load in here. If you save in here and load it later, the entire game will break and you'll have to restart. Save after you leave this place

13 Walk forward until you see "Daemia" appear sitting on a block of concrete

14 Say "Who are you?" and continue forward

15 Keep going until you see her appear again, and once the dialog is complete go talk to your father to your left for a SCENE

16 Now walk all the way back to the beginning and talk to her one last time. There are two SCENES here, but you can only choose one


17 Afterwards you'll get another SCENE

18 Run through the portal as the Lich King and back to where the Undead/Lich was

19 When you wake up and talk to Kyla, say "I want to go home!" and continue the dialog for a SCENE

20 Walk to the girl in the stockade for a small SCENE

21 Go into the Arena and talk to the human punching the dummy for a scene later

22 Leave the arena and go back towards the portal and talk to "Daemia", then go through the portal at the bottom of the stairs

23 Go right and talk to Alistra to get your clothes

24 Now go to the other side of the building and talk to the Undead

25 Go back through the portal, turn around and go up the stairs and talk to "Daemia" then the Lich King

26 Go back down into the big room and talk to Instructor Razuvious --- *Screenshot*

27 Back through the portal. You can only get one of the trainers recommendations, so pick which one you want to do


28 Go right and talk to Alistra for your quest to get something for her

29 Go back through the portal, and walk to the left behind Razuvious and talk to the female Undead (Lilith)

30 Turn around and go up the stairs to the Lich King, but go into the portal up here to the right *Screenshot*

31 Run along the path and take the second left into a Taurens room full of smoke for a small SCENE

32 Leave there and continue left. Go into the last room and use the dildo on the bed, then try to leave for a SCENE

33 Go all the way back around, through the portal, then through the portal at the bottom of the stairs and go back to Alistra


34 Go straight into the red room and talk to Thorval for his quest to get something of Alistras

35 From there, go left to Alistra's room. Find her panties beside her wardrobe --- *Screenshot*

36 Say "Lord Thorval asked me to do it." to continue

37 Go grab the camera on the other side of the room and go to Alistra on the bed for a small SCENE

38 Bring the photos back to Thorval, then go back into Alistras Room and look on the bed for a small SCENE


39 Go through the portal and back to Razuvious

40 Turn around and go up the stairs towards the Lich King, but take the portal to the right --- *Screenshot*

41 Run down the path and take your second left into the Taurens room full of smoke for a small SCENE

42 Leave there and continue left to the last room. Go in for a SCENE (You can move the camera over to see Kyla)


43 Leave the room and go all the way back around and through the portal

44 Go down the stairs and to your right for a small SCENE

45 Go talk to Razuvious to start the trial

46 After the trial, talk to Razuvious again then back to the Draenei with the horse for a small SCENE

47 Go towards the portal to talk to "Daemia", then go through the portal at the top of the stairs

48 Take your third left and talk to Marie for a SCENE

49 After, go left to your room for another SCENE

50 Go back around and go through the portal, then through the portal at the bottom of the stairs

51 Go straight and talk to Darion right in front of you for a SCENE

52 Head back towards the portal, but go up the stairs and go through the portal to the right up there

53 Run to the other side and overhear Darion and Philip talking, then go back through the portal, then the portal at the bottom of the stairs

54 Walk around near the top of the stairs until "Daemia" calls for you

55 Go talk to her, then turn around and go back towards where the cages were

56 Go up to the night elf lying in the cell and talk to her and say "Help the Prisoner"

57 Go back up through the portal and go to Alistras room to find the waterskin --- *Screenshot*

58 Go to the other side of the building to where the Undead/Lich was and fill up the waterskin in the barrel (Press E on it to get into position, then press I and click the waterskin, then press the hand icon) --- *Screenshot*

59 Back through the portal and down to where the Night Elf was, give her the waterskin (Press E on her, then press I, click the waterskin and then click the hand icon) for a SCENE

60 Now go through the portal at the top of the stairs to the bedrooms and go into the first room on the left to get the dagger

61 Back through the portal, and through the portal at the bottom of the stairs. Go to where the Undead/Lich was

62 Go behind the Valkyrie and talk with "Daemia". Then walk forward a bit


63 Walk forward to the outside for a small SCENE

64 Go back inside and up the stairs. Talk to Ellie and the Goblin. Say "What do we do now?" then go back down to Badman and Kyla

65 Go back upstairs and talk to Ellie. After the Dialog there will be a small SCENE


Sat Sep 10, 2016 11:42 pm

Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2018 8:18 pm
Posts: 37
Post Re: Chapter 1 - Episode 3 1.4 Walkthrough
Thanks !

Fri Jun 08, 2018 7:18 pm

Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2014 11:54 pm
Posts: 20
Post Re: Chapter 1 - Episode 3 1.4 Walkthrough
nice necro. should these walkthroughs ever be lost though, god help us all.

Sun Jun 10, 2018 3:42 am
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