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 Chapter 1 - Episode 1 1.6.1 (Not the remake) Walkthrough 
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Joined: Sun May 11, 2014 3:10 pm
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Post Chapter 1 - Episode 1 1.6.1 (Not the remake) Walkthrough
Hello and welcome to my Episode 1 Walkthrough. This is a repost because the site was reset and the old post is now gone. This episode is by far my favorite. If you've found a scene that I missed, or want more screenshots, don't hesitate to post.


1 When you gain control of little Daemia, go up the stairs

2 Go into the door on your right and up to the closed door

3 After the Dialog, go back downstairs and leave the building

4 Talk to the little Blood Elf, Joy, in front of you

5 Turn around and walk down the path to the right of your house to get to the docks

6 At the bottom of all the stairs, talk to the man behind the desk

7 Go back up the stairs and all the way back to your house for a SCENE


8 When you wake up, walk out of your little enclosure and over to the window to see Joy calling for you

9 Pick up the book on the table to your right (By DrGraevling. For more of his work, go here:

10 Leave your room and enter the room to your left

11 Walk up to the door in there and click "Masturbate" for a SCENE

12 Leave this room, turn right back into your room and go to the Wardrobe next to Daemia's Bed

13 Press E on it and put some clothes on

14 Leave this room and go into the room to your right. Pick up the key in there

15 Now go downstairs and through the Tavern door. Go right and talk to Joy leaning on the bike

16 After Bob stops you, talk to Joy again

17 Turn around and go left to the Tauren. Offer him your help to find his key

18 Now go right and then left down some stairs, then straight to the docks

19 At the very bottom of the stairs, go left for a small SCENE

20 Talk to Mr Fox twice (The guy with the Troll) to learn about the alcohol

21 Get underneath the docks and pick up the key --- *Screenshot*

22 Press T and click the hearthstone button to quickly go back to your house

23 Walk into your house, and go up the stairs and into the first door on the right for a continuation on the SCENE earlier with your Mom and Jack

24 Go back downstairs and turn right, go through the door into the kitchen

25 Pick up the Waterproof Matches and the Alcohol, turn around and talk to Packo for a SCENE

26 Run back to the Docks. Swim to the island in front of you, the entrance to it is to your right --- *Screenshot 1* --- *Screenshot 2*

27 Continue up the path until you come to a bunch of fallen trees

28 Press E on them to burn them with the Waterproof Matches

29 Continue onwards, following the left wall until you find some Night Elves by a campfire. Talk to them and say "Yes!" for a SCENE

30 Press T and click the hearthstone icon to quickly go back to your house

31 Go straight back up the stairs, then turn right and walk up to and talk to the Tauren to give him the key

32 Now that you're inside, there are a few things to check out, like the TV and the paintings. Go up the stairs to see the Tauren try something sneaky

33 Sit down in the chair and say "Well then, let's see how big, yummy and hard it actually is..." for a SCENE

34 Pick up the key right in front of you, then out through the curtain to your right, then out of the house through the door to your left

35 Turn right and go back to Joy and talk to Bob to give him the alcohol

36 After hitting the kitty, run up the hill and into the Whorecraft club

37 Go up the stairs, turn left and go up more stairs and go through the first door right in front of you for a SCENE

38 Press E on the writing on the wall in the first stall and wait until 11:30 PM for another SCENE --- *Screenshot*

39 Leave the bathroom and go down to the main floor

40 Turn left and go to the table with the glowing blue on it


41 When you wake up, leave your little room and Packo will talk to you

42 Pick up the photos on the table for a SCENE

43 Walk back to your wardrobe, and beside it will be a little bowl of water. Use that, then put some clothes on

44 Leave your room and to into the room to your right

45 Pick up the note to read it, then pick up the book on the other side of the table to read it (By DrGraevling. For more of his work, go here:

46 Leave the room and go into the last room on the left and talk to Jack on the bed. Say "Too big for me? How about a little test?" for a SCENE

47 Now go downstairs and leave your house

48 Go left and into the blacksmith's house next to the blonde human --- *Screenshot*

49 Pick up the crowbar to your right

50 Leave and go back to where Bob, the guard, was

51 Leave the village and take your second right, down a hill

52 Keep following the path. Eventually you'll see a small SCENE to your right. Continue passed them up the hill

53 Go through the cave entrance and across the water. You'll find Joy sitting behind some bushes, talk to her

54 Run all the way back to where the bridge was, and go up towards the whorecraft club --- *Screenshot*

55 You'll be stopped by a Blood Elf and a Rockslide. Turn around and walk down to the boarded up cave and press E on the boards

56 Run inside the cave and take your first, and only, right into an opening

57 Run up to the kitty druids and say "Well, if it's so important to you, why not." for a SCENE

58 After, pick up the barrel with the purple stuff floating off of it and leave the cave

59 Go back to the Blood Elf to give him the Barrel and to clear the rockslide

60 Go up to the whorecraft club and talk to the Blood Elf bouncer

61 After, press T and click the Hearthstone icon to teleport back to your house

62 Go back down to the docks and swim back over to the island you went to during the night

63 Go back to where you found the Night Elves, but instead you'll find a Dwarf (Hemet) making a movie. Walk into the movie set and talk to your Mom for a SCENE

64 Press T and use the hearthstone again to teleport back to your house

65 Run forward, up the stairs, then turn right. Try to go into the last house

66 Turn away and start leaving. After overhearing the two girls talking about Bobur, go out of the village again

67 Go across the bridge and talk to the guard in front of the jail

68 Say "No I'm not", then talk to him again and say "You can do anything you want with me..." to get into the jail

69 OPTIONAL: If you want to skip it, say "Um... I have to pee!", then when you're at the toilet, go up the stairs. *Continued at 72*

70 Say "..." for a SCENE

71 Now leave through the door, (There is a small SCENE through the door to your right) go foward and up the stairs in the room in front of you

72 At the top, turn right and go through that door to the other tower and go down the stairs

73 At the bottom, go through the door and up the stairs to grab a knife

74 Now go all the way back up to the top, turn left, and go through that door

75 Use the knife on the pillar with the bucket at the end of it to knock the guard out, then go back down the stairs and let the girl out of the stockade

76 On the desk beside some stairs going down, there is a key. Pick it up then go down the stairs and into the cells down there

77 Talk to Bobur on your right

78 Now leave the jail and go back into the village


79 Take your first left, then your first right and go into the blacksmiths house

80 Talk to the Blacksmith to give him the note

81 Leave the village again and go right passed the bridge

82 Follow the path until you're at the place where you saw the Night Elves

83 Turn right and go down to a door, you'll find a camera hiding under a rock --- *Screenshot 1* --- *Screenshot 2* --- *Screenshot 3*

84 Pick the camera up, then press T and teleport back to your house

85 Go into the blacksmiths house and give him the camera and he'll give you another task

86 Go back to the docks and swim back to the island

87 Run back to where you met Hemet and give him his glasses

88 Say "Sure, I'll help." and run forward behind the giant tree to find the missing page --- *Screenshot 1* --- *Screenshot 2*

89 Run back to Hemet and give him his page back. Say "Yes, Let's do it!"

90 Use the red chest beside the TV to change into the new outfit

91 Run over to the Worgen inside the set and say "...what a big cock you have" for a SCENE

92 Press T and teleport back to your house

93 Go inside your house and run up the stairs into your room for a SCENE

94 Leave your house and go back into the blacksmiths house

95 Talk to him and he'll give you the key to the secret entrance

96 Leave the village again and run back to where you picked the camera up

97 Go through the door and grab the arrow on the table in front of you

98 Place the arrow in the knee of the statue to open the door into Sylvanas's house

99 Go through the door and run forward into the next room

100 Turn right to see a small SCENE, then talk to them

101 To your left on a table is the last comic. Pick it up to read it (By DrGraevling. For more of his work, go here:

102 Now you can leave through the front door. Go outside and overhear two ladies talking about the ship returning

103 Run down to the docks and talk to the pirate guy. Say whatever you want to him

104 Swim over to the other island again and run back to where the set of the porn was

105 There is a boulder there instead, go to the other side of it for a small SCENE

106 Turn around and you should see a bright purple thing on the ground in front of you, go over and pick it up --- *Screenshot 1* --- *Screenshot 2*

107 Press T and teleport back to your house

108 Run back to Sylvanas's house (Up the stairs in front of you, then turn right. You can open her door now) and go into her bedroom for a small SCENE

109 Give them the flower for another SCENE

110 Turn around and use the Wardrobe to get a new outfit

111 Press T and teleport back to your house, then run back to the docks

112 Go onto the ship and turn left. Go into the captains room for a SCENE

113 After, use the book on the table for a SCENE


114 Walk forward and use the Wardrobe to put some clothes on

115 Leave the building and walk forward for a SCENE

116 Continue forward and turn left. Go into the Blacksmiths house and talk to him

117 Leave the village once again and go left up the hill

118 Turn into the cave that was boarded up awhile ago

119 Run to the end and turn right into an opening where the kitty druids were

120 Pick up the ore under the purple floating stuff

121 Run back and try to leave the cave

122 After Joy says shes trapped, run back to where you found the ore

123 You'll see a Gnome there, talk to him for a SCENE, then turn around and walk back into the cave and turn right

124 Pick up his journal and bring it back to him, then use his portal

125 Go back to the smith and give him the ore for a SCENE

126 Leave his house and go into Daemia's house

127 Go up the stairs and into the first door on your right

128 Talk to Cassandra in there for a SCENE

129 Leave the tavern and go down to the docks

130 At the bottom of the stairs go left and down more stairs into a waterfall cave --- *Screenshot*

131 Walk forward up to Daemia


Sat Sep 10, 2016 11:21 pm

Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2018 8:18 pm
Posts: 37
Post Re: Chapter 1 - Episode 1 1.6.1 (Not the remake) Walkthrough
Thanks !

Fri May 25, 2018 4:13 pm
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